Derby Registration Form

If you wish to reserve a Car # it must be called in, first come first serve

Entry Fee: $50.00 per car (while spots are available) Pay at inspection on derby day!!!

For more information contact: Phillip O’Driscoll, at 307-679-5207

Mail Entries To:    

Evanston Volunteer Fire Department 
P. O. Box 640 
Evanston, Wyoming 82931

Phillip O’Driscoll  307-679-5207

Fire Department  307-789-8556

Drivers and Mechanics

1. Only one derby car and driver, and one support car and mechanic will be allowed in the pit. All other cars must park in the regular parking area.

2. Must be 18 years old or older. 16-17 years old can drive with a signed parent permission release.

3. Releases must be signed prior to, or during registration.

4. No alcoholic beverages allowed in pit area. Any driver or potential driver who is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be disqualified and have entry fees forfeited.

5. Only the driver is allowed in the car during heats. Drivers must wear approved full face helmet at all times. Safety glasses or goggles are required

6. Inspectors ruling of the car are final. Any car not meeting the regulations will be given time to bring the car up to specifications until the time of the drivers meeting.

7. Only the driver or the pit crew member is allowed to drive in the grudge match. Must be 18 years or older. They must be signed up with the drivers on the release form.

Rules of Competition

1. Safety to the driver and spectators is of utmost importance.

2. At the start of each heat the drivers must make a solid hit, no waiting, and no front- end hits on the initial start of the heat.

3. Heat assignments will be drawn at drivers meeting.

4. The last two cars of each heat will be allowed to compete in the final heat. No other cars will be allowed in the finals.

5. All drivers must wear seat belts and helmet. Drivers are not allowed to leave their cars at any time during the heat, except for an emergency.

6. Any driver intentionally hitting a driver’s door will be disqualified. The judges will determine this. Calls will be final NO EXCEPTIONS.

7. A hit must be made every 60 seconds.

8. Two minutes will be allowed for stalled cars.

9. No sandbagging. Hits must be solid. Sandbaggers may be disqualified, the judges will determine this.

10. Judges decision are final. NO EXCEPTIONS! Video playbacks will not be used in judges decisions.